My mom has moved in with us. I'm an only child, thus my girls are her only grandchildren. It's always been understood that she'd move wherever we are, and she decided now was that time. She might, someday, get a place here (or wherever we move to next), but for now we will all be content with her staying here.
She was set to arrive at about 6pm Saturday night. About 10 minutes before she got her Evie accidentally shut Gianna's finger in our back door. As soon as we saw the blood and mangled finger I knew we needed to head to the ER.
We were at the ER 6 hours....until midnight. The finger is broken and she had to have stitches. She goes tomorrow to the orthopedic surgeon to have it looked at and set, and possibly re-stitched. Thank God for anesthesia.
I will say this, that little lady is a tough old bird. She cried while they were numbing it to remove the finger nail...all of it!!...that puffy part that kinda looks like puss is actually the bottom of her finger nail being pushed out of the skin. Yuck. So, they removed the whole nail so it wouldn't get infected, and stitched it up.
We got a prescription for a pain med, and we filled it, but she has never asked for it. She says it doesn't really hurt. She was pretty stoked she gets to stay home for at least three days from school.
She was super excited to see her Grandma when she got home. We spent Sunday unpacking Grandma, and resting. Evie was running a bit of a fever on Sunday, and slept horribly, which meant Mommy and Daddy slept horribly too. So...we are ready for a little break.
Keep my sweet pea in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow when she goes to surgery.